Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Boston Globe Online when searched for "heroes" came up with articles about movie stars, broadway stars, athletes and very few politicians.
New York Times Online when searched for "heroes" came up with articles about greek mythes, normal people who work to rescue other people, mothers and athletes.

I think that there are different kinds of heros and that really any person can be a hero. There are the larger scale heros who change the world and effect everyone in some way and to be that kind of hero you just need to represent what is truly ethically correct, having no prejudice or hate involved. There are also smaller scale heros who are just heros in their own life. They are the people who are just strong enough to keep their chin up and keep being positive when nothing seems to be going right. The people who can still honestly smile when thing aren't the best in their life. I think these are both very important types of heros and that the world needs both of them to become a more tolerant and peaceful place.

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